Meaning Main driver
What does Main driver mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Main driver. You can also add a definition of Main driver yourself


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Main driver

The main driver is the person who will be driving the car MOST OFTEN. In a family where two people are driving the car and one drives 100km once a month and one person drives 1km every day, the person [..]


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Main driver

The main driver is the person who uses the car the most; whether for social purposes or for travel to and from a place of business, duty or study. See fronting.
Source: (offline)


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Main driver

The main driver is the person who will be driving the car MOST OFTEN. In a family where two people are driving the car and one drives 100km once a month and one person drives 1km every day, the person who drives every day would be the main driver.
Source: (offline)


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Main driver

The insured individual who principally uses the car, usually the registered owner.

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