Meaning Échame la culpa
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Échame la culpa

¨Échame¨ is a word in Spanish that comes from the verb ¨echar¨, this verb has multiple meanings. ¨Echar¨ means in English to throw something, like garbage or something you don’t need anymore. This word also refers to push somebody out, the action of make someone to leave a job or to quit a job. This word refers to the act of ban or excludes someone from a place in a violent way or with a rude attitude.
In Latin-American it’s a common expression that refers to throw something in a particular place, an example would be to put a letter into a mailbox. It is also a synonym to put, apply or add an example would be: add oil to the salad but in Latin-American way would be to throw the oil into the salad.
¨Culpa¨ is a Spanish words that in English means fault or blame, is the act of blaming someone for an action or a consequence of his behavior. It is also a common expression that refers the cause of something, like the house is flooded because the rain. ¨Culpa¨ is also the way you feel when you know you did something wrong, the bad feeling after it that makes you regret it.
¨Échame la culpa¨, all this sentence translated to English means put the blame on me. This is the name of a popular song from Luis Fonsi a Puerto Rican singer ft. Demi Lovato an American pop singer.
This song is about a couple, they were having problems in their relationship so they are deciding about ending it and about letting go all the bad things with it. So this song basically talks about they want to forget the entire bad situation and move on with their lives themselves with no regrets of anything. The magic of their relationship has ended and things are getting complicated so is better to take a decision in order to stop the suffering. However they don’t know who has the fault of the circumstances, for this reason is better to forget and leave things that way. Maybe was her fault or maybe was his fault, so each one is able to accept the blame. That is the reason why they say on the song, ¨Échame la culpa¨, put the blame on me. Finally is a way to say it wasn’t you it was me, I am the one who is to blame for the situation.
Jenny - 5 October 2018

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