Meaning ABO blood group system
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ABO blood group system

A system used to group human blood into different types, based on the presence or absence of certain markers on the surface of red blood cells. The four main blood types are A, B, O, and AB. For a blo [..]


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ABO blood group system

The major Human Blood type system which depends on the presence or absence of two Antigens A and B. Type O occurs when neither A nor B is present and AB when both are present. A and B are genetic fact [..]


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ABO blood group system

A system used to group human blood into different types, based on the presence or absence of certain markers on the surface of red blood cells. The four main blood types are A, B, O, and AB. For a blood transfusion, the ABO blood group system is used to match the blood type of the donor and the person receiving the transfusion. People with blood ty [..]


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ABO blood group system

a system used to classify human blood by antigens found on the surface of red blood cells

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