Meaning Acute mountain sickness
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Acute mountain sickness

Acute mountain sickness (AMS) is the effect on the body of being in a high altitude environment. AMS is common at high altitudes, that is above 8,000 feet (2,440 meters). Three-quarters of people have mild symptoms of AMS over 10,000 feet (3,048 meters). The occurrence of AMS depends on the altitude, the rate of ascent, and individual susceptibilit [..]


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Acute mountain sickness

a disease that has the capability to influence mountain climbers, backpackers, or winter sport enthusiasts that have ascended too swiftly above 8,000 ft., particularly whenever emerging from ocean lev [..]


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Acute mountain sickness

A condition characterized by shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, nausea, and other flu-like symptoms. It occurs at high altitude and is attributed to a shortage of oxygen. Most people don't experience symptoms until they reach heights well above 5,000 feet.


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Acute mountain sickness

<respiratory medicine> A condition that results from prolonged exposure to high altitude. Symptoms include a continuous dry cough, shortness of breath, poor exercise tolerance, dizziness, headache, sleep difficulty, anorexia, confusion, fatigue and a rapid pulse. Treatment includes the immediate movement to a lower altitude. Prophylaxis has b [..]

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