Meaning Advance-decline line
What does Advance-decline line mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Advance-decline line. You can also add a definition of Advance-decline line yourself


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Advance-decline line

The advance-decline line graphs the ratio of stocks that have risen in value — the advancers — to stocks that have fallen in value — the decliners — over a particular trading period. The direction and steepness of the A-D line gives you a general idea of the direction of the market. For example, a noticeable upward trend, which is created when ther [..]


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Advance-decline line

Advance-Decline (A/D) Line is a measurement of market breadth. It is calculated by subtracting the number of stocks that decline in price over a given period (weekly or daily) from the number that advance, and accumulating the differences. When advancing issues outnumber declining issues, the A/D line moves upward. Conversely, if the majority of is [..]


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Advance-decline line

Each day’s number of declining issues is subtracted from the number of advancing issues. The net difference is added to a running sum if the difference is positive or subtracted from the running sum i [..]

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