Meaning Arbitration agreement
What does Arbitration agreement mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Arbitration agreement. You can also add a definition of Arbitration agreement yourself


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Arbitration agreement

An arrangement in which the patient waives the right to sue the physician and, instead, agrees to submit any dispute to arbitration. Arbitration agreements are legal and binding. The arguments in their favor are that, for patients, the case can be settled faster, and more money can go to the patient (rather than to a lawyer). Physicians can often g [..]


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Arbitration agreement

Arbitration agreement is a written agreement between the parties to a dispute to designate a particular arbitrator to resolve their disputes arising out of a particular business relationship. It calls [..]


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Arbitration agreement

The agreement concluded between parties to an arbitration (supra), providing for the submission of their dispute to arbitration, the appointment of arbitrators and the rules of procedure governing the arbitration.


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Arbitration agreement

The patient waives the right to sue the doctor and, instead, submit any dispute to arbitration. Arbitration agreements are legal and binding. The arguments in their favour are that, for patients, the case can be settled faster and more money can go to them (not the lawyer) and for doctors, it often means that they can get a discount on their malpra [..]

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