Meaning Basis of Admission
What does Basis of Admission mean? Here you find 5 meanings of the word Basis of Admission. You can also add a definition of Basis of Admission yourself


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Basis of Admission

Basis Of Admission is basically what will be focused on primarily during the admission process. example (GED OR HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA, COLLEGE CREDITS, DEGREE, etc..)
Thomas kaku Conteh - 20 October 2021


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Basis of Admission

This field provides a more detailed listing of admission types than the Government defined admission types. For example, incomplete higher education and complete higher education are listed as separate categories but amalgamated in the government basis of admission types.
Source: (offline)


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Basis of Admission

This field is less detailed than the Deakin basis of admission types but is comparative to other institutions. For example, incomplete higher education and complete higher education are listed separately in the Deakin admission categories but are amalgamated in the government basis of admission types.
Source: (offline)


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Basis of Admission

The evidence, primarily academic, on which your admission decision is based, e.g., high school record, college credits and GPA, etc.


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Basis of Admission

The main criterion on which the applicant was granted an offer. Basis of admission can be: secondary education (undertaken at a school, RTO or HEP); higher education; TAFE/vocational education; professional qualification; mature age special entry provision; other.​
Source: (offline)

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