Meaning Cognizant Agency for Audit
What does Cognizant Agency for Audit mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word Cognizant Agency for Audit. You can also add a definition of Cognizant Agency for Audit yourself


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Cognizant Agency for Audit

The Federal agency designated to carry out the responsibilities described in 45 CFR § 75.513(a). The cognizant agency for audit is not necessarily the same as the cognizant agency for indirect costs. [..]


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Cognizant Agency for Audit

Cognizant agency for audit means the Federal agency designated to carry out the audit supervision responsibilities described in 2 CFR §200.513.  Since Harvard’s primary source of federal support comes from the National Institutes of Health (“NIH”), the cognizant agency is the Department of Health and Human Services (“DHHS”).  A list of cognizant ag [..]
Source: (offline)

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