Meaning Designated person
What does Designated person mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Designated person. You can also add a definition of Designated person yourself


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Designated person

A person selected or assigned by the employer or the employer’s representative as being competent to perform specific duties.
Source: (offline)


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Designated person

Designated Person Means a person who appointed by the employer to perform a specific task. And He/ She is work as a representative of the Employer.
This Defination not only Cover employees but also cover Agents, Contractor, intermittently etc Who's work has assigned.
Praveen Singhal - 8 October 2020


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Designated person

One individual age 15 or older who is randomly selected from each sampled household to participate in the American Time Use Survey. The designated person is interviewed by telephone once about only hi [..]

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