Meaning Dry Thunderstorm
What does Dry Thunderstorm mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Dry Thunderstorm. You can also add a definition of Dry Thunderstorm yourself


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Dry Thunderstorm

Generally a high-based thunderstorm when lightning is observed, but little if any precipitation reaches the ground. Most of the rain produced by the thunderstorm evaporates into relatively dry air ben [..]


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Dry Thunderstorm

Generally a high-based thunderstorm when lightning is observed, but little if any precipitation reaches the ground. Most of the rain produced by the thunderstorm evaporates into relatively dry air beneath the storm cell. May also be referred to as "dry lightning".
Source: (offline)


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Dry Thunderstorm

Generally a high-based thunderstorm when lightning is observed, but little if any precipitation reaches the ground. Most of the rain produced by the thunderstorm evaporates into relatively dry air ben [..]

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