Meaning Electric Service Identifier
What does Electric Service Identifier mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Electric Service Identifier. You can also add a definition of Electric Service Identifier yourself


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Electric Service Identifier

An “Electric Service Identifier” ID number that identifies your electric service location. This is pronounced "easy I.D." It's unique to the Texas electricity market.
rebecca bridges - 20 October 2021


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Electric Service Identifier

In the state of Texas, an ESI ID is a 17 or 22-digit number used in the deregulated market to identify a unique point of electric service delivery to a premise (your home or business).


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Electric Service Identifier

Each point of delivery receiving electricity (for example, a home, a business or a streetlight) is given a unique ESI number, often called the "Easy ID number." It's a 17- or 22-digit n [..]


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Electric Service Identifier

The basic identifier assigned to each Service Delivery Point used in the registration and settlement systems managed by ERCOT or another Independent Organization.
Source: (offline)

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