Meaning H-component of the Geomagnetic Field
What does H-component of the Geomagnetic Field mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word H-component of the Geomagnetic Field. You can also add a definition of H-component of the Geomagnetic Field yourself


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H-component of the Geomagnetic Field

(Geomagnetic Elements) In solar-terrestrial terms, the components of the geomagnetic field at the surface of the earth. In SESC use, the northward and eastward components are often called the H and D [..]


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H-component of the Geomagnetic Field

(Geomagnetic Elements) In solar-terrestrial terms, the components of the geomagnetic field at the surface of the earth. In SESC use, the northward and eastward components are often called the H and D components, where the D component is expressed in gammas and is derived from D (the declination angle) using the small angle approximation.


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H-component of the Geomagnetic Field

(Geomagnetic Elements) In solar-terrestrial terms, the components of the geomagnetic field at the surface of the earth. In SESC use, the northward and eastward components are often called the H and D [..]

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