Meaning Kilovolt-Ampere = 1000 volt-amperes
What does Kilovolt-Ampere = 1000 volt-amperes mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word Kilovolt-Ampere = 1000 volt-amperes. You can also add a definition of Kilovolt-Ampere = 1000 volt-amperes yourself


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Kilovolt-Ampere = 1000 volt-amperes

This is a term used to describe the level of 'apparent' power imported or consumed by your business, and is the basis of your Maximum Import Capacity (MIC)
Source: (offline)


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Kilovolt-Ampere = 1000 volt-amperes

This is a term used to describe the level of ‘apparent’ power imported/consumed by a customer. It is the basis of the customer’s Maximum Import Capacity (MIC) contract with ESB Networks.

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