Meaning Kirlian photography
What does Kirlian photography mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Kirlian photography. You can also add a definition of Kirlian photography yourself


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Kirlian photography

Is where an object on a photographic plate is subjected to a high-voltage electric field, an image is created on the plate. The image looks like a colored halo or coronal discharge.1939, Discovered by accident in 1939 by Semyon Kirlian. Also called electrophotography.
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Kirlian photography

Purported means of recording one's aura (see above). Soviet electrician Semyon Davidovich Kirlian and his wife, Valentina, developed Kirlian photography in the early 1940s.


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Kirlian photography

A type of electrical photography that allows the energy fields of living things to be photographed and printed. Auric and energy field colors are also visible with this type of photography Kheperu

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