Meaning Macintosh computer
What does Macintosh computer mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Macintosh computer. You can also add a definition of Macintosh computer yourself


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Macintosh computer

Internet Glossary A popular model of computer made by Apple Computer. Introduced in 1984, the Macintosh features a graphical user interface (GUI) that utilizes windows, icons, and a mouse to make it relatively easy for novices to use the computer productively. Rather than learning a complex set of commands, you need only point to a selection on a m [..]
Source: (offline)


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Macintosh computer

A popular model of computer made by Apple Computer. Introduced in 1984, the Macintosh features a graphical user interface (GUI) that utilizes windows, icons, and a mouse to make it relatively easy for [..]


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Macintosh computer

The Macintosh computer (Mac) is a desktop computer by Apple that comes in a variety of form factors and designs. The Mac was the first affordable and successful computer packed with a graphical user i [..]

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