Meaning Newtonian reflector
What does Newtonian reflector mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Newtonian reflector. You can also add a definition of Newtonian reflector yourself


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Newtonian reflector

A type of reflecting telescope whose eyepiece is located along the side of the telescope. When light enters the telescope, it reflects from the primary mirror to the secondary mirror. The secondary mi [..]


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Newtonian reflector

A type of reflecting telescope whose eyepiece is located along the side of the telescope. When light enters the telescope, it reflects from the primary mirror to the secondary mirror. The secondary mi [..]


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Newtonian reflector

A type of reflecting telescope whose eyepiece is located along the side of the telescope. When light enters the telescope, it reflects from the primary mirror to the secondary mirror. The secondary mirror reflects the light at a right angle through the side of the telescope to the eyepiece.

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