Meaning Nominal hours
What does Nominal hours mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Nominal hours. You can also add a definition of Nominal hours yourself


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Nominal hours

The hours of unsupervised learning or training deemed necessary to cover the educational material associated with the delivery of a training program. These hours include the time spent in work experience, industry placement or field placement.
Source: (offline)


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Nominal hours

The total number of hours involved in course delivery. See also Nominal hours (supervised), Nominal hours (unsupervised) and Typical attendance.
Source: (offline)


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Nominal hours

The hours of supervised learning or training deemed necessary to cover the educational material in a training program when undertaken in standard classroom delivery mode.
Source: (offline)


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Nominal hours

Meaning of nominal hours in a given course duration
I find it pretty difficult to calculate the given credit hours. Again, what is notional hours in instruction of students doing a diploma in mechanical engineering. I find a real task of a challenge and so, I need your kind assistance in this matter
Kwesi Folie - 5 July 2019

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