Meaning Penalty notice
What does Penalty notice mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Penalty notice. You can also add a definition of Penalty notice yourself


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Penalty notice

A penalty notice refers to a notice issued to an offender who does not wish to have the matter dealt with by a court to pay the specified amount for the offense to a specified person within a specifie [..]


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Penalty notice

Headteachers wishing to issue, or authorise their staff to issue, penalty notices must first gain the agreement of the governing body. The penalty is a fine and is an alternative to the parent being prosecuted in court. The school behaviour and attendance policies (where applicable) must be revised accordingly. Headteachers and deputy and assistant [..]


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Penalty notice

Headteachers wishing to issue, or authorise their staff to issue, penalty notices must first gain the agreement of the governing body. The penalty is a fine and is an alternative to the parent being prosecuted in court. The school behaviour and attendance policies (where applicable) must be revised accordingly. Headteachers and deputy and assistant [..]

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