Meaning Role Transitions
What does Role Transitions mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Role Transitions. You can also add a definition of Role Transitions yourself


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Role Transitions

"Ashforth (2001) argues that role transitions involve crossing role boundaries, and he draws a distinction between 'macro role transitions and micro role transitions." (Desrochers & Sargent...
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Role Transitions

"The sequential (and often permanent) exiting from one role and entering of another over time, such as a promotion (Ashforth, 2001) or downward job transition (Sargent, 2001)." (Desrochers &...
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Role Transitions

"Switching back and forth among one's currently held roles." (Desrochers & Sargent) Ashforth (2001) defines micro role transitions as "the psychological and (if relevant) physical movement...
Source: (offline)

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