Meaning Slip Clutch
What does Slip Clutch mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Slip Clutch. You can also add a definition of Slip Clutch yourself


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Slip Clutch

When students bring the focus all the way up or down and continue to try turning the knob, damage to the focusing system can occur if there wasn't a slip clutch.  It is a mechanical device that protects the gears of the microscope.


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Slip Clutch

A safety device usually located on the focus knob allowing the knob to "slip" and continue turning when it reaches the end of its travel, or if it runs into the stage. Due to the gea [..]


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Slip Clutch

A safety device usually located on the focus knob allowing the knob to "slip" and continue turning when it reaches the end of its travel, or if it runs into the stage. Due to the gear ratios [..]

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