Meaning Somatic cell hybrid
What does Somatic cell hybrid mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Somatic cell hybrid. You can also add a definition of Somatic cell hybrid yourself


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Somatic cell hybrid

The cell or plant resulting from the fusion of animal cells or plant protoplasts respectively, derived from somatic cells which differ genetically.


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Somatic cell hybrid

The cell or plant resulting from the fusion of animal cells or plant protoplasts respectively, derived from somatic cells which differ genetically.


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Somatic cell hybrid

A hybrid cell formed from the fusion of cells from different species. Somatic cell hybrids are utilized for gene mapping.
Source: (offline)


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Somatic cell hybrid

A type of mapping experiment permitting the assignment of markers to chromosomes. The method consists of fusing cultured cells of one species with cultured cells of a different species. The hybrid cells are unstable in karyotype during growth, with most chromosomes from one species typically being lost. Among clonal populations of hybrid cells foll [..]
Source: (offline)

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