Meaning Source Music
What does Source Music mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Source Music. You can also add a definition of Source Music yourself


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Source Music

Music that is additional to the original score. It refers to music in a film or video which can be background music (e.g. from a radio or TV) or created by the characters themselves as part of the plo [..]


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Source Music

This is music the actor on-screen CAN hear—the music coming from the radio, a jukebox, in the club, at the party, etc.
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Source Music

Diegetic music or source music is music in a drama (e.g., film or video game) that is part of the fictional setting and so, presumably, is heard by the characters. The term refers to diegesis, a sty [..]


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Source Music

Music that comes from a source present on or off screen and is not part of the dramatic underscore. This can be music coming from a band or a radio, for example.
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