Meaning Te Bote
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Te Bote

¨Te¨ in Spanish is the unstressed form of the personal pronoun of the second person in singular, which in the sentence plays the role of direct or indirect complement, it always goes without preposition. Precede in the phrase other unstressed pronouns.
¨Te¨ in accusative or dative designates an indeterminate person.
In Spanish is the name and the sound of the consonant ¨T¨.

¨Bote¨ is a word that in Spanish comes from the verb ¨botar¨; it refers to the action of throwing away something you don’t need anymore, this can be a thing or a person as well. It also refers to drop something, and example would be: I dropped the glass because it was too hot. ¨Botar¨ is also a common word to express that you’ve lost something : losing money, losing the wallet. This word is a common expression in Central America to say that someone was dismissed.
¨Te bote¨ this Spanish sentence translated to English means ¨ I threw you out¨. It means I threw you out of my life. This is the name of one of the most played reggaeton songs, this song is from multiple singers mostly of them reggaeton singers from Puerto Rico, Nio García, Darell , Casper Mágico, Ozuna, Bad Bunny with the exception of Nicky Jam who comes from United States

The name of the song refers to throw out a person. This song talks about a guy who throws out his girlfriend, he used to be in a relationship with her but it started to get complicated so he was feeling sick about the situation, then he decides to broke up with her and move on without her. Then he seems to be really proud of being the one who ended it so that’s why he is always saying in the song, ¨Te bote¨ ¨I threw you out¨¨, so now he can continue his life without problems and he can enjoy without regrets. After that he starts to party a lot and meet many girls in order to have fun. Finally he is pretty sure it was the best decision ever made and he is really proud of being the one who ended the relationship. He didn’t hesitate and he just throw away the situation, the memories and everything related with his ex , for him is time to say good bye and get over it in order to continue living a joyful life.
Jenny - 5 October 2018