Meaning Water Withdrawal
What does Water Withdrawal mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Water Withdrawal. You can also add a definition of Water Withdrawal yourself


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Water Withdrawal

The removal of water from some type of source, like groundwater, for some use by humans. The water is subsequently returned some period of time later after its is used. The quality of the returned wat [..]


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Water Withdrawal

The volume of freshwater abstraction from surface or groundwater. Part of the freshwater withdrawal will evaporate, another part will return to the catchment where it was withdrawn and yet another par [..]


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Water Withdrawal

The removal of water from some type of source, like groundwater, for some use by humans. The water is subsequently returned some period of time later after its is used. The quality of the returned water may not be the same as when it was originally removed. Compare with water consumption.
Source: (offline)

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