Meaning Yellow flag
What does Yellow flag mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Yellow flag. You can also add a definition of Yellow flag yourself


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Yellow flag

An emergency warning system used by organisers to instruct competitors to immediately reduce speed. The flags may be waved on stage by marshals at radio points (situated at approximately 5 km intervals). Additionally, a yellow flag LED light situated on the FIA Emergency Console in every competing car will flash and an alarm will sound in the cockp [..]
Source: (offline)


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Yellow flag

Flag that signifies caution during a race. Usually resulting from a crash, spin, or debris on the track. Cars are to slow down and not to pass while the hazard is cleared from the track.
Source: (offline)


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Yellow flag

A solid yellow flag is used to slow down the racers in the case of a crash, debris on the course (like car parts), slick fluids on the track or the weather has become a factor with rain. During a yell [..]

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