Meaning ambu bag
What does ambu bag mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word ambu bag. You can also add a definition of ambu bag yourself


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ambu bag

Also known as a bag valve mask or BVM. It is a hand-held device which is used to provide ventilation to a patient who is not breathing or who is breathing inadequately. After it is squeezed, the bag i [..]


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ambu bag

Proprietary name for a self-reinflating bag with nonrebreathing valves to provide positive pressure ventilation during resuscitation with oxygen or air. (05 Mar 2000)
Source: (offline)


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ambu bag

Ambulatory Manual Breathing Unit (AMBU bag): this is a simple medical device used in resuscitation of a patient especially in emergency situation,
Princess Chioke Igwe - 22 August 2021

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