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balance dueThe amount currently due, minus previous payments, plus cash advances and purchases.
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balance duen. the amount of a debt still owed on an account or the principal...
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balance dueThe amount of a debt owed on an account, a mortgage, or a promissory note. The balance due is not necessarily the sum of installments due (because the installments may include amortized interest), but [..]
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balance dueThe payment required on a credit card or HELOC by a specific date. It may include a past-due balance or fees.
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balance dueYour balance due is the amount you owe after subtracting all expenses and adding any payments or cash advances.
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balance duen. the amount of a debt still owed on an account or the principal owed on a promissory note. In the case of a promissory note, the balance due is not the sum of installments due, since these include a [..]
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balance dueThat amount representing the sum of the previous balance due plus cash advances and merchandise purchases for the billing period less credit for payments and/or merchandise returned plus any appropriate finance charge.
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