Meaning burndown chart
What does burndown chart mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word burndown chart. You can also add a definition of burndown chart yourself


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burndown chart

A graph that shows on the vertical axis the quantity of work (in either hours or product backlog item units) remaining over time, which is shown on the horizontal axis. Because less and less work shou [..]


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burndown chart

A burndown chart is a chart often used in scrum agile development to track work completed against time allowed. The x-axis is the time frame, and the y-axis is the amount of remaining work left that i [..]


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burndown chart

A publicly displayed chart that depicts the total task hours remaining per day. It shows where the team stands regarding completing the tasks that comprise the backlog items that achieve the goals of the sprint. The X-axis represents days in the sprint, while the Y-axis is effort remaining (usually in ideal engineering hours). To motivate the team, [..]

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