Meaning enhancer trap
What does enhancer trap mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word enhancer trap. You can also add a definition of enhancer trap yourself


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enhancer trap

A system that allows investigators to find endogenous enhancers in a genome. The reporter gene in an enhancer trap is often based on a transposable element that can easily insert into the genome at ra [..]


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enhancer trap

A transgenic construction inserted in a chromosome which is used to identify tissue-specific enhancers in the genome. In such a construct, a promoter sensitive to enhancer regulation is fused to a rep [..]


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enhancer trap

A type of DNA construct containing a reporter gene sequence downstream of a promoter that is capable of integrating into random chromosomal locations in mouse. Integration of the enhancer trap near an enhancer allows the expression of a new mRNA encoding the reporter gene. The reporter gene is therefore expressed in the cells and developmental stag [..]
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