Meaning extrapleural pneumonectomy
What does extrapleural pneumonectomy mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word extrapleural pneumonectomy. You can also add a definition of extrapleural pneumonectomy yourself


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extrapleural pneumonectomy

Surgery to remove a diseased lung, part of the pericardium (membrane covering the heart), part of the diaphragm (muscle between the lungs and the abdomen), and part of the parietal pleura (membrane li [..]


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extrapleural pneumonectomy

Surgery to remove a diseased lung, part of the pericardium (membrane covering the heart), part of the diaphragm (muscle between the lungs and the abdomen), and part of the parietal pleura (membrane lining the chest). This type of surgery is used most often to treat malignant mesothelioma.
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extrapleural pneumonectomy

Surgery to remove the affected lung, plus the lining of the heart (pericardium), the diaphragm and the lining of the chest (parietal pleura) on the affected side.

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