Meaning menu card
What does menu card mean? Here you find 12 meanings of the word menu card. You can also add a definition of menu card yourself


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menu card

Lists of dishes to be served or available for meals.


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menu card

menu card is a designed paper which contains all the food and beverages sold in a restaurant and is place on each table for people to make an order of what the want to eat or drink
ohanyere sochinenye - 2 January 2020


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menu card

Menu card is a piece of paper that contains details of foods that can be ordered in a restaurant
Bao - 5 March 2020


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menu card

Printed with brewery or brewpub logo and list of beers or other beverages sold by a bar, restaurant, or brewpub, designed to be inserted into clear plastic stand to be placed on tables or bars.
Source: (offline)


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menu card

Lists food & beverages in designed paper are placed each tables for guests order what they want .
Binod Nath - 15 February 2021


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menu card

Menu card is the list that contain the food and beverages to be selected from in a restaurant
Jumoke - 1 June 2022


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menu card

menu card is a list of food that's available at a restaurant or to be serve at a meal
jennifer - 30 November 2022


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menu card

Menu card is the list y food prepared and beverages to be served with their prices in a given restaurant
ESEH SAMUEL - 5 July 2021


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menu card

It means a list of foods and beverages
for people to choose from .
mostly found in a hotel or restaurant
KAMSI - 11 June 2021


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menu card

It means a list of foods and beverages
for people to choose from .
mostly found in a hotel or restaurant
KAMSI - 15 June 2021


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menu card

Menu card is card that has the list of food selected from the restaurant
anonymous - 2 June 2023


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menu card

A list of words in a menu
card to order food from a restaurant
Glory - 5 July 2023

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