Meaning qpalzmwoskxneidjcbrufhvtyg
What does qpalzmwoskxneidjcbrufhvtyg mean? Here you find 6 meanings of the word qpalzmwoskxneidjcbrufhvtyg. You can also add a definition of qpalzmwoskxneidjcbrufhvtyg yourself


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You are extremely bored in school and have typed most/all of the QWERTY combinations. And maybe Urban Dictionary is blocked.
Zodiaaaaaaaack - 18 March 2022


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You've presumably typed most other letter combinations on the QWERTY keyboard, and have gotten to the point where you are searching for a sequence that hasn't been found yet. You are also incredibly bored.
Joe - 29 November 2021


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The timing. As a rule of thumb (for a steak 22mm thick) – cook 2 minutes each side for rare, 3-4 mins each side for medium-rare and 4-6 mins each side for medium. For well done, cook for 2-4 minutes each side, then turn the heat down and cook for another 4-6 minutes. Perfect Steak.
Lachlan Wright - 25 March 2022


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You are in school. You already finished all your schoolwork and have nothing to do besides type random words into the search box.
suhuihw - 20 October 2021


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You have reached the point of boredom that you need to “stop it get some help”in other words you need to get a life
Hayden j labbe - 5 January 2022


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You are bore and go to the end of each set of the alphabet.
Neil - 10 March 2023

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