Meaning rooted tree
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rooted tree

Phylogenetic tree in which one internal node represents the common ancestor to all other organisms (nodes) on the tree. In a rooted tree, all the organisms depicted have a common ancestor. © 2 [..]


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rooted tree

A cladogram with a hypothetical ancestor, which equates to the root. When outgroups are used, this is the node that connects the outgroups to the ingroup, and which thus specifies the direction of evolutionary change among the character-states. Contrast with unrooted tree. (Michael D. Crisp - Introductory glossary of cladistic terms)
Source: (offline)


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rooted tree

Unrooted Tree


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rooted tree

    A cladogram with a hypothetical ancestor, which equates to the root, which is the node at the base of the tree. When outgroups are used, this is the node that connects the outgroups to the ingroup, and which thus specifies the direction of evolutionary change among the character-states (cf. unrooted tree).
Source: (offline)

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