Meaning secondary product
What does secondary product mean? Here you find 5 meanings of the word secondary product. You can also add a definition of secondary product yourself


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secondary product

These are products that are derived from processing primary products such as your clothes, timbers, wrist watch etc
Esther - 11 February 2020


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secondary product

All products derived from primary products or other secondary products through a processing sequence applied to a primary product.


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secondary product

Secondary product is a product that is been gotten from primary product when produced e.g bread, cloth, beef e.t.c
ubong james - 27 August 2021


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secondary product

Goods or services produced by an industry other than the primary product of that industry.
Source: (offline)


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secondary product

A secondary product are product that have been processed most product from primary industy.
abdullahi mujahid - 4 May 2021

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