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Definitions (27)


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area structure plan

An area structure plan refines and implements The City’s broad planning objectives and policies of the Municipal Development Plan, Calgary Transportation Plan, and other plans and policies promoting logical, compatible and sustainable development for a specified area in the city’s Developing Areas. It is a statutory plan approved by City Council, d [..]
Source: (offline)


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building permit

A building permit is required to erect a new building or structure, or demolish, relocate, repair, alter or make additions to an existing building or structure.
Source: (offline)


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development permit

A development permit is needed for most new construction or changes of use.
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growth overlay

When a new Local Area Plan is approved by Council where some or all of the land lacks leading infrastructure (water, transportation or Fire services), a growth overlay is applied over the unserviced or partially serviced lands. To remove the overlay, it must be demonstrated that the required leading infrastructure is funded, either through City bud [..]
Source: (offline)


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standard development agreement and special clauses

The standard development agreement sets out the rules and the legal agreement between The City and the developer for the construction, maintenance and dedication of public infrastructure by the developer to The City. This includes all Council-approved development levies and fees.
Source: (offline)


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Subdivision is the process where a parcel of land is divided into two or more parcels in order to obtain separate legal titles for each parcel.
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catchment area

Defines the service area for a piece of infrastructure (water, storm, sanitary, transportation, fire.
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endeavours to assist

The use of City authority to facilitate/ensure fair and equitable development. Endeavours to Assist may be used to coordinate the costs of infrastructure among a number of landowners when no single proposal may trigger a piece (or size) of infrastructure, but the cumulative impact of the proposals will.
Source: (offline)


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construction finance agreement

An agreement between The City and the developer whereby the developer agrees to pay for a piece of infrastructure that will allow development to commence The City agrees to pay back the developer at a given time in the future, subject to certain conditions.
Source: (offline)


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corporate planning applications group

CPAG oversees the review of substantial planning applications (e.g., large development permits, Land Use Amendments, and Outline Plans)
Source: (offline)

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