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Definitions (19)


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Source: nhec.com (offline)


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See Buying Group.
Source: nhec.com (offline)


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buying group

A group of customers who join together to buy electric energy in order to receive lower rates or to support a cause. The buying group does the shopping for its members and makes their buying decision for them. May also be referred to as an aggregator or a cooperative.
Source: nhec.com (offline)


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co-op or cooperative

A member-owned and democratically operated nonprofit organization, such as the New Hamsphire Electric Cooperative, that exists to serve its membership with goods and services at reasonable prices. Some electric buying groups (or aggregators) may be cooperative organizations.
Source: nhec.com (offline)


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default power service

Electric power supply for Co-op members who do not choose a competitive energy supplier. Also, a safety net service designed to provide energy for short periods of time. Default power service will always be available to ensure that consumers receive uninterrupted power when they switch from one energy supplier to another, if for any reason they are [..]
Source: nhec.com (offline)


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The provision of information to customers by energy suppliers on their prices, terms of service, power sources and air emissions.
Source: nhec.com (offline)


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The process of delivering electricity from the electric distribution system to a consumer's home or business.
Source: nhec.com (offline)


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electric distribution company

A company regulated by the PUC that owns the poles and wires used to deliver power to a consumer. This company will remain responsible for the actual delivery of electricity to homes and businesses and for repairs when the power goes out. This is the same company that used to provide all your electric service.
Source: nhec.com (offline)


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energy conservation

Reducing the amount of energy used, for example, through the use of energy-efficient lighting and appliances, turning off lights and appliances when not in use and using insulation and weather stripping. May also be referred to as energy efficiency.
Source: nhec.com (offline)


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energy suppliers

Companies that sell energy to consumers in a competitive market. They may generate the power themselves or re-sell the power generated by someone else. May also be referred to as competitive energy suppliers, energy service providers, generation companies, power marketers and power brokers.
Source: nhec.com (offline)

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