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Definitions (81)


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Competences represent a dynamic combination of cognitive and metacognitive skills, knowledge and understanding, interpersonal, intellectual and practical skills, and ethical values. Fostering these competences is the object of all educational programmes. Competences are developed in all course units and assessed at different stages of a programme. [..]
Source: unideusto.org (offline)


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Source: unideusto.org (offline)


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Acquired or natural capacity, competence, proficiency or talent that enables an individual to perform a particular act, job or task successfully.
Source: unideusto.org (offline)


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Certain qualifications convey the holder with the right to access specific qualifications at a particular education level within the education system in which the qualification was taken. For instance a first cycle degree usually provides access to second cycle studies.
Source: unideusto.org (offline)


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Accreditation is the establishment of the status, legitimacy or appropriateness of an institution, programme or module of study by a designated competent authority.
Source: unideusto.org (offline)


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accreditation organisation

A designated competent authority which is legally entitled to accredit an institution, programme or module of study within the context of a national education system.
Source: unideusto.org (offline)


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assessment criteria

Descriptions of what the learner is expected to do and to what level, in order to demonstrate that a learning outcome has been achieved and to what extent.  The criteria are usually related to the cycle and/or level descriptors for the module being studied in the discipline concerned. They are normally presented to the students in course catalogues [..]
Source: unideusto.org (offline)


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assessment methods

The total range of methods used to evaluate the learner’s achievement in a course unit or module. Typically, these methods include written, oral, laboratory, practical tests/examinations, projects, performances and portfolios. The evaluations may be used to enable the learners to evaluate their own progress and improve on previous performance (form [..]
Source: unideusto.org (offline)


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Complex mental state involving beliefs, feelings, values and dispositions to act in certain ways.
Source: unideusto.org (offline)


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academic awarding institution

A university or other higher education institution which awards degrees, diplomas, certificates or credits at tertiary level.
Source: unideusto.org (offline)

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