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Definitions (36)


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verified emission reductions

A unit of greenhouse gas emission reductions that has been verified by an independent auditor, but that has not yet undergone the procedures and may not yet have met the requirements for verification, certification and issuance of CERs (in the case of the CDM) or ERUs (in the case of JI) under the Kyoto Protocol. Buyers of VERs assume all carbon-sp [..]
Source: wbcarbonfinance.org (offline)


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verification report

A report prepared by an Operational Entity, or by another independent third party, pursuant to a Verification, which reports the findings of the Verification process, including the amount of reductions in emission of greenhouse gases that have been found to have been generated.
Source: wbcarbonfinance.org (offline)


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The assessment of a project’s Project Design Document, which describes its design, including its baseline and monitoring plan, by an independent third party, before the implementation of the project against the requirements of the CDM.
Source: wbcarbonfinance.org (offline)


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united nations framework convention on climate change

The international legal framework adopted in June 1992 at the Rio Earth Summit to address climate change. It commits the Parties to the UNFCCC to stabilize human induced greenhouse gas emissions at levels that would prevent dangerous manmade interference with the climate system.
Source: wbcarbonfinance.org (offline)


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Sequestration refers to capture of carbon dioxide in a manner that prevents it from being released into the atmosphere for a specified period of time.
Source: wbcarbonfinance.org (offline)


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This process increases the capacity of the land to sequester carbon by replanting forest biomass in areas where forests have been previously harvested. Registration: The formal acceptance by the CDM Executive Board of a validated project as a CDM project activity.
Source: wbcarbonfinance.org (offline)


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project idea note

A note prepared by a project proponent regarding a project proposed for PCF. The Project Idea Note is set forth in a format provided by the PCF and available on its website www.prototypecarbonfund.org.
Source: wbcarbonfinance.org (offline)


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project design document

A projectspecific document required under the CDM rules which will enable the Operational Entity to determine whether the project (i) has been approved by the parties involved in a project, (ii) would result in reductions of greenhouse gas emissions that are additional, (iii) has an appropriate baseline and monitoring plan.
Source: wbcarbonfinance.org (offline)


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operational entity

An independent entity, accredited by the CDM Executive Board, which validates CDM project activities, and verifies and certifies emission reductions generated by such projects.
Source: wbcarbonfinance.org (offline)


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project-based emission reductions

Emission reductions that occur from projects pursuant to JI or CDM (as opposed to “emissions trading” or transfer of assigned amount units under Article 17 of the Kyoto Protocol).
Source: wbcarbonfinance.org (offline)

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