Meaning unlimited wants and needs
What does unlimited wants and needs mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word unlimited wants and needs. You can also add a definition of unlimited wants and needs yourself


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unlimited wants and needs

Unlimited wants are the person’s or individual desires or preferences for specific ways of satisfying our daily needs. This essentially mean that people never get enough in the things that they have, that there is always something else that they would like to have. When combined with limited resources, unlimited wants result in the problem of scarcity.
anonymous - 6 December 2018


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unlimited wants and needs

A characteristic of people such that they are never totally satisfied with the quantity and variety of goods and services. This is one half of the fundamental problem of scarcity that has plagued huma [..]


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unlimited wants and needs

A characteristic of people such that they are never totally satisfied with the quantity and variety of goods and services. This is one half of the fundamental problem of scarcity that has plagued huma [..]

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