Meaning Abductor muscle
What does Abductor muscle mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Abductor muscle. You can also add a definition of Abductor muscle yourself


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Abductor muscle

Any muscle used to pull a body part away from the midline of the body. For example, the abductor muscles of the legs spread the legs away from the midline and away from one another. The word "abductor" comes from the Latin prefix "ab-" meaning "away from" + "ducere" meaning "to draw or lead" = " [..]
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Abductor muscle

Any muscle used to pull a body part away from the midline of the body. For example, the abductor muscles of the legs spread the legs away from the midline and away from one another.


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Abductor muscle

A muscle that pulls a structure away from the central body of an animal or a structure.
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Abductor muscle

<anatomy> Any muscle used to pull a body part away from the midline of the body. For example, the abductor leg muscles serve to spread the legs. The opposite of abductor is adductor. (12 Dec 1998)
Source: (offline)

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