Meaning Aces and Deuces
What does Aces and Deuces mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word Aces and Deuces. You can also add a definition of Aces and Deuces yourself


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Aces and Deuces

One betting game in golf is called Aces and Deuces or Acey Ducey. In there four golfers play against against each other. The lowest score, so the ace, on each hole gains an agreed upon amount from all the other three players. Whereas the high score, so the deuce, has to give an agreed upon amount to all the other golfers. Normally the agreed upon a [..]


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Aces and Deuces

This is a betting game, best suited for groups of four golfers. It is also sometimes called 'Acey Ducey'. Here, the low score is the ace and the person who wins it, gets a particular amount from the other three players. The high score is the deuce here and the person staking it loses an amount of money to other three.

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