Meaning Actual Share
What does Actual Share mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Actual Share. You can also add a definition of Actual Share yourself


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Actual Share

The actual percentage of the room nights or revenue (based upon competitive set) that a hotel captures during a particular time frame.! Calculated by dividing the total room nights or revenue sold at the hotel by the total room nights or revenue sold within the competitive set inclusive of the subject hotel.


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Actual Share

The actual percentage of the room nights or revenue (based upon competitive set) that a hotel captures during a particular time frame.! Calculated by dividing the total room nights or revenue sold at the hotel by the total room nights or revenue sold within the competitive set inclusive of the subject hotel.


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Actual Share

The percentage of the room nights or revenue that a property captures during a particular time frame compared to the properties competitive set. To calculate take total room nights or revenue sold at [..]

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