Meaning Astrometric Chip
What does Astrometric Chip mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word Astrometric Chip. You can also add a definition of Astrometric Chip yourself


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Astrometric Chip

The SDSS camera contains 24 2048x400 pixel CCDs (in addition to the 30 2048x2048 photometric CCDs) which were used for astrometry and focus monitoring. Because they are smaller chips, the effective ex [..]


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Astrometric Chip

The SDSS camera contains 24 2048×400 pixel CCDs (in addition to the 30 2048×2048 photometric CCDs) which were used for astrometry and focus monitoring. Because they are smaller chips, the effective exposure time is only 11 seconds, allowing the survey to observe brighter stars without saturation. These bright star positions were necessary to match [..]

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