Meaning Beef Tallow
What does Beef Tallow mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Beef Tallow. You can also add a definition of Beef Tallow yourself


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Beef Tallow

If you're going to ingest pure fat, what animal would you rather it be from....chicken or cow? Turkey or cow? The reason why cheap pet food companies use beef tallow is quite simple: it's very cheap. It's also a very bad fat source for pets as it is for humans. This is pure, greasy, white cow fat.


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Beef Tallow

If you’re going to ingest pure fat, what animal would you rather it be from….chicken or cow?? Turkey or cow?? The reason why cheap pet food companies use beef tallow


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Beef Tallow

If you’re going to ingest pure fat, what animal would you rather it be from….chicken or cow?? Turkey or cow?? The reason why cheap pet food companies use beef tallow is simple: it’s very cheap. It’s a [..]

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