Meaning Broker of record letter
What does Broker of record letter mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Broker of record letter. You can also add a definition of Broker of record letter yourself


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Broker of record letter

A form letter used to indicate a policyholder’s preference to an insurance company as to which insurance agent will have exclusive rights to the insured. Excludes all other agents/brokers from accessing the insurance company in question for that policyholder.


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Broker of record letter

A broker of record letter (BORL) is a written statement signed by an insured advising an insurer that a particular broker or agent shall act as the insured’s representative. Wordings and usage of thes [..]


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Broker of record letter

A broker of record letter (BORL) is a written statement signed by an insured advising an insurer that a particular broker or agent shall act as the insured’s representative. Wordings and usage of thes [..]

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