Meaning Cesarian section
What does Cesarian section mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Cesarian section. You can also add a definition of Cesarian section yourself


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Cesarian section

The obstetrical procedure is often spelled this way in the U.S. with just an "e" although the Roman emperor remains Caesar in America with an "ae". Also referred to as a C-section. No matter what, it is a procedure in which a baby, rather than being born vaginally, is surgically extracted (removed) from the uteru [..]


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Cesarian section

A Cesarian section in which the surgical incision (cut) is made in the lower segment of the uterus.


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Cesarian section

It was once the rule that, after a C-section, the next delivery also had to be by C-section. Now, vaginal delivery after Cesarian section (VBAC) is sometimes feasible. Age is one the factors that need to be considered, since women over 30 who try a vaginal delivery after a C-section are about three times more likely to have a uterine rupture than y [..]

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