Meaning Chinese Exclusion Act
What does Chinese Exclusion Act mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Chinese Exclusion Act. You can also add a definition of Chinese Exclusion Act yourself


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Chinese Exclusion Act

Passed by Congress in 1882 and signed by President Chester A. Arthur, this act suspended all immigration by Chinese workers. Even those already within the U.S. were barred from receiving U.S. citizens [..]


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Chinese Exclusion Act

An extremely restrictive law passed by the government of Canada that effectively curtailed the number of Chinese entering the country. Fewer than 15 Chinese people were able to enter the country to live when this act was enforced. Just three Chinese were allowed to live in the country between 1924 and 1930.  Canada in the Making


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Chinese Exclusion Act

The Chinese Exclusion Act (Act) is a federal legislation that allowed the U.S. to suspend immigration, and also to implement the suspension of Chinese immigration. The Act provided a ban that was inte [..]

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