Meaning Commercial use
What does Commercial use mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Commercial use. You can also add a definition of Commercial use yourself


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Commercial use

A classification for vehicles used mainly for business purposes. Commercial use does not apply to vehicles used for commuting to and from a place of business. If business-related use makes up the majority of the vehicle's driving, it is typically considered a commercial use (or business use) vehicle.
Source: (offline)


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Commercial use

This is when a business leases a vehicle. This normally means that a number of different people will be using the vehicle, and its important that it shouldn't be used for personal use.


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Commercial use

Commercial use will include any use, in the business of the owner or of another person, that contributes directly or indirectly to the purposes specified in the articles of incorporation of the owner. This includes, where appropriate, the use of historic buildings as residential rental properties or bed and breakfast establishments, if owned by a t [..]
Source: (offline)


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Commercial use

Use of an aircraft for which a charge is made while providing instruction, rental, charter, or other services.

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