Meaning Constrictive pericarditis
What does Constrictive pericarditis mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word Constrictive pericarditis. You can also add a definition of Constrictive pericarditis yourself


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Constrictive pericarditis

Scarring of the pericardial sac. This limits the ability of the heart to function because it cannot expand enough to collect blood and pump it to the lungs and then back to the body. Bleeding into the pericardium from trauma or from a heart operation is the most common cause of constrictive pericarditis, but tumors or infections can also be the cau [..]


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Constrictive pericarditis

Inflammation of the Pericardium that is characterized by the fibrous Scarring and adhesion of both serous layers, the VISCERAL Pericardium and the PARIETAL Pericardium leading to the loss of pericardi [..]

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