Meaning Contention ratio
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Contention ratio

Ratio of the potential maximum demand to the bandwidth available on a network. The greater the number of users, the higher the ratio. During periods of peak demand this can result in lower effective bandwidth. In the case of on-demand TV services, the contention ratio is the ratio of total subscribers to the peak number of unique simultaneous strea [..]


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Contention ratio

With ADSL lines the network bandwidth available is contended (shared) between a pre-determined number of subscribers.


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Contention ratio

Contention Ratio (or over subscription ratio) is the number of users sharing the same data capacity. The lower the contention ratio the higher the quality of service. A 50:1 contention ratio means tha [..]


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Contention ratio

Ratio of the potential maximum demand to the bandwidth available on a network. The greater the number of users, the higher the ratio. During periods of peak demand this can result in lower effective bandwidth. In the case of on-demand TV services, the contention ratio is the ratio of total subscribers to the peak number of unique simultaneous strea [..]


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Contention ratio

When you have a broadband connection there is a connection path between you and the Internet Service Provider. This connection path that carries data is referred to as contention. Many users will be using the same connection so when service providers quote a contention ratio of say 50:1 this means 50 other users will be using the same connection as [..]

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